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Anchor 2

Bad Moments
Like every good moment, The bad moment too will last. Like every good moment, The bad moment too shall pass. Don't give up just yet, my...

Loathsome Memories
I loathed that towering hurdle. Abhorrence was a gentle way to describe it. Mildew was generously coated on its walls. Light was an...

In a vast ocean Of twisted and endless thoughts, My mind drifts alone.

Death vs. Life
Death: Your eyes see nothing but tears, Your ears ring with the foul sayings of your peers, Your heart knows nothing but ache, Your lips...

It's All in Your Head
I will make you wonder. I will make you weep. In dreams, you will wander, And days, you will sleep. I will take the joy out of you. I...

For You Are a Woman
Don't be late, Get home by dark. Cover yourself, Don't dress up. Don't roam alone; Don't roam at all. Stay at home, Or prepare to take...

I'm Trying
"Just write," they say. I try; nevertheless I fail. Am I not meant to hold this pen, Or soil the page with my thoughts? Am I not allowed...

Dignity was what you strived for. But bigotry left you to starve. At the diner you built for the trans, Your name the world will...

In the end
(Poem) I walk into a place so dear and familiar; The ghost of another time follows. I close my eyes to bring back memories. I wake to a...
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