Featured works of Bavishya Tai.
'Pistachio Walls'
Writing In A Woman's Voice
How does a granddaughter try to bring back memories to the fading mind of her grandmother? Praised by readers for the sweet reminiscence the poem brings, "Pistachio Walls" is a poem of love, memories, and nostalgia.
It was published in the reputed blog of Beate Sigriddaughter: Writing in a Woman's Voice on 17th December, 2021.
You can read the poem here.

The 2021 Poetry Half Marathon
On June 26th, Bavishya participated and completed The 2021 Poetry Half Marathon. She successfully wrote 12 poems in 12 consecutive hours based on the prompts given. The poems ranged from haibun to nonets.
Check out the certificate of completion below.

'When a Mother Wails for Her Child'
'When a Mother Wails For Her Child' is a poem narrating the incidents of the day after Bavishya's covid vaccination. She had fainted due to a heatstroke, and her mother was disappointed in herself for panicking instead of staying strong. Bavishya wrote this poem in dedication to her.
The poem was published on the Instagram page of Solarium in June of 2021. Solarium is an initiative to collect poems of the pandemic, to mark this time of crisis through the collective ritual of poetry.
Read the full poem here.

'Dawn at Chennai'
The 2021 Poetry Marathon Anthology
Dawn at Chennai is a nonet that Bavishya wrote during the final hour of the 2021 Poetry Marathon early in the morning as dawn was breaking over the city of Chennai.
Its first line consists of nine syllables, second line has eight syllables and so on until the ninth line has one syllable.
The poem was published in The 2021 Poetry Marathon Anthology on 22nd November, 2021.
You can buy the book here.

Inayat Zine
'Pauses' is a feminist poem about how a woman's life is filled with pauses, from the moment she is born and the family pauses to accept the fact that she's a girl, to her death where she pauses to sigh about a life never lived.
The poem was selected among various entries and published in the 2021 issue of Inayat zine, an online magazine of the Young People for Politics organization.
The zine was launched by the prominent Indian developmental feminist activist, poet, author and social scientist, Ms. Kamla Bhasin.​
The poem was quoted to be "sad and expressing the realities" by Kamla Bhasin, and also "hard-hitting".​
The brilliant illustration work was done by Janani Menon.
Read the full poem here.

The 2023 Poetry Half Marathon
On September 2nd, 2023, Bavishya participated and completed The 2021 Poetry Half Marathon. She successfully wrote 12 poems in 12 consecutive hours based on the prompts given.
Check out the certificate of completion below.